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Slug races are back this year for Beachcomber Days 2019!  


Racing excitement will be held on Sunday afternoon.  There will be 3 divisions for the owners/trainers by age: Division 1-ages 3-7 yrs; Division 2-ages 8-12 yrs; Division 3- ages 13-109.  Participants above or below age limitations may be granted permission to participate with prior approval of the judges.  Registration will be done on the day of the event.  There will be no fee to register. Participants will be responsible for providing their own slugs for the race, and all transportation of slugs shall be the sole responsibility of slug owners and trainers.  There will NOT be slug stables on the premises.


There will be no discrimination in this event based on size, color, shape, age, gender, hair color, orientation or religion (or any other factor for that matter) of any of the slugs (or their handlers).

The race will be held on a specially made “track” and the slug that moves the furthest toward the finish line in 3 minutes time shall be declared the winner.  If necessary, multiple heats can be held within each division.

Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each division.  Additional recognition for best-dressed, most congenial, slimiest or others may be awarded at the sole determination of the judge or judges.  Keep in mind that anyone crazy enough to judge slug races may decide on some crazy awards….


Official Rules for Slug Race

  1. No drugs or alcohol shall be administered to, or ingested by, any slug within 12 hours of the race.

  2. Use of slug bait or salt on any opponent is strictly prohibited.

  3. Use of mechanical (or inert) aids such as cattle prods or magnifying glasses is strictly prohibited.

  4. Feeding of split shot, BB’s or ship ballast to opponents is strictly prohibited.

  5. Hand-clapping, foot-stomping, name-calling, and general noise participation is strongly encouraged.

  6. Entrant’s owners, trainers, grooms and fans must stay out of the race circle.

  7. Slugs are not required to wear owner’s colors, however, if they do, they are only allowed on blinders, blankets, capes or tail ribbons.

  8. Jockeys wishing to ride must weigh in prior to the race at 1 gram or less.

  9. Slugs may be no longer than 18’4” fully extended and no smaller than the tip of the judge’s pinky finger.

  10. Any entrant eaten or carried off by a duck or a seagull shall be automatically disqualified.

  11. Each entrant shall be assigned a numbered lane at the beginning of a race.  Lost or traded numbers will automatically disqualify the entrant.

  12. An official slug veterinarian will be available (with oxygen) for medical emergencies of participating slugs.

  13. Winning slugs will be put out to pasture to live out their lives in relative ease, while losing slugs will be banished to the salt pits or the beer gardens.



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